Learn 3 Important Internet Millionaire Strategies for Successful Business
Sep 15th, 2018 12:00 AM

Learn 3 Important Internet Millionaire Strategies for Successful Business

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Internet is an Extraordinary Times Factor (There are 2 Billion Users Online Worldwide)
10 tips to become a millionaire internet
1. You must do affirmations every day
2. You have to listen to audio, watch videos, or read self-development books for at least 30 minutes every day
3. Prospects that have not bought means they are not ready to pay (not they won't  buy)
4. Go in the best environment that suits your dreams, or read the magazine that contains your dreams, search on Google what your idols do.
5. The best investment is an investment to increase the value of yourself, because the ROI can be tens to thousands percent
6. You must be in a positive online or offline community
7. Having a mentor will increase your value more quickly

The last 3 tips will be discussed at this seminar. Thoses are 3 skills that must be mastered by an internet millionaire!

This seminar talks about 3 Skills to Become an Internet Millionaire

1. Funnel. Funnel is a system which we provide upgrades for our customer so we keep them always buying from us with better package each steps.  Funnel is one of the Millionaire Internet Secrets that can make consumers buy products even the price is more expensive. How do we make this system? What kind of products/services that can be applied with this system? What are the benefits of this system? These will be answered in the seminar

Most students don't know what funnel is, through this seminar you will be the first one to find out before your other friends.


2. Copy writing and FB Ads. Copy writing is very important to move a prospect until they become a buyer. Small company with Good copywriting looks like big company, so does the contrary. It’s very necessary for anyone who wants to spend their life doing business. According to survey, FB still has the most user in the world which make it as the right place to sell your products. Nowadays FB already provide marketplace like tokopedia/shopee/lazada where you can sell your products/services. If you know how to leverage FB Ads to sell your products/services, you will get infinite profit. There is a lot of promotional content on the internet today, How to make potential customers want to see your promotion? We will tell you the way in the seminar


3. Personal Branding. Personal branding is very important for your future career. It’s an Internet Millionaire Secrets that can make prospective buyers hypnotized and eventually buy your product. With good personal branding you can sells more only through writing. We will help you with creating content for your personal branding.

What makes this BOOST Seminar Very Different from Others?
1. 100% of the Business System Has Been Proven. Even ordinary people without any experience have made money
2. Template + Roadmap + Content Examples. You can immediately copy + paste to develop your Internet Millionaire Business
3. Applicative. Can be applied in various types of internet businesses
4. All Market Research Has Been Done. You Do Not Need to wasting Time & Money to Try It Yourself.
5. FREE Consultation with Coach & Practitioners after the seminar. Even ordinary people without any experience have made money

About the speakers
1. Suwandi Chow, dikenal sebagai Online Profit Strategist  karena keahliannya  dalam mengkonversikan Traffic yang datang ke website menjadi profit/ keuntungan dengan menggunakan strategi web copywriting ( teknik menulis surat penawaran yang persuasif & menjual).
  • Beliau sendiri dulunya baru mulai berkenalan dengan dunia internet marketing sejak tahun 2007, dimana waktu itu beliau masih 100% gaptek soal internet. Yang dia tahu hanyalah browsing dan cek email.
    Tapi setelah dia belajar, ikut seminar & workshop, ikut coaching, dan terus belajar dengan mentor, ternyata internet memang memiliki kekuatan yang sangat SAKTI, apalagi perkembangan terakhir ini, dimana sosial media bertumbuh begitu cepat dan luar biasa, sehingga peranan internet menjadi semakin SAKTI dalam membantu kita membangun passive income. Beliau telah meluncurkan 2 buku fisik : Kaya Dari Internet Marketing dan Kaya Dari Affiliate Marketing, meluncurkan lebih dari 10 ebook yang sudah di download lebih dari 100.000 orang, sudah berbicara dihadapan puluhan ribuan orang Indonesia, termasuk berbicara di seminar & workshop bersama Guru kelas dunia seperti Stephen Pierce, Jaz Lai, Kelvin Hui dan lainnya.
  • Banyak UKM dan Perusahaan yang memanggil beliau untuk konsultasi dalam meningkatkan branding dan penjualan lewat internet.
  • Beliau juga membantu para public speaker terkenal seperti Bapak Andrie Wongso (Motivator no.1 Indonesia), Tommy Siawira (NLP Trainer Indonesia), Habibie Afsyah (Pebisnis Amazon), dan masih banyak lagi. Project terbaru Pak Suwandi adalah bersama dengan Husanto We – FB Optimizer dalam produk  Kaya Dari Affiliate Marketing 3.0

2. Husanto We, dikenal sebagai Facebook Optimizer karena keahliannya mengoptimalkan facebook sebagai sumber traffic dan profit yang sangat profesional. Beliau adalah seorang Internet marketer sejak tahun 2008, dan mulai mendalami Facebook Marketing sejak 2011. Beliau juga sudah pernah mengadakan Seminar, workshop dan memberikan training tentang Facebook Marketing baik tingkat pemula maupun advance.

Sekarang ini Pak Husanto sedang FOKUS membangun satu program atau sistem yang bertujuan untuk membantu orang2 awam atau GAPTEK supaya bisa punya penghasilan dari Internet, bisa memarketingkan bisnis mereka lewat Online dengan menggunakan strategi Facebook Marketing.

The seminar always held EVERY Saturday from 10.45 am - 01.00 pm at Hotel Grand Tropic Suites, Ruang Orchid. You can choose any date depends on your free schedule.


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