Indonesia Eco Film Festival
Oct 11th, 2019 - Oct 20th, 2019 01:00 PM

Indonesia Eco Film Festival


LiveLife is organizing the first Indonesia Eco Film Festival under the theme "Sustainable Living: How our daily lifestyle affects the environment?"

We are collaborating with independent film makers, government organizations, embassies, including members of European Unions & businesses to make this festival happen, focusing on these topics:

- Negative effects of environmental problems
- Sustainability – Over consumerism, waste (e.g. food)
- Waste management – Plastic usage, littering
- Nature & wildlife – Conservation, biodiversity

All screening is FREE and you are welcome to choose the option to donate to cover the operation cost.
Here are our partners together with screening schedule, click on each for details & register accordingly!

If you want test whether your lifestyle is good or bad for the environment, join this short test and you will get tips tailored for you.
They will help you save time & money, and improve your quality of life. and our planet will thank you!


Event has ended.

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