Ensuring Successful Brand Activation
Mar 5th, 2020 02:00 PM

Ensuring Successful Brand Activation


Apakah digital marketing cukup untuk membangun hubungan dengan customer?
Berapa banyak iklan digital yang anda tidak hiraukan setiap hari?

Ketika brand menghadapi kompetisi, sangat penting untuk membedakan diri & menyampaikan pesan yang tepat.
Activation membantu brand berkomunikasi dengan customer secara personal.

Seperti ketika anda hendak mengenal seseorang lebih baik.
Apakah berkomunikasi hanya melalui social media atau bertemu langsung?

"Iya betul, tetapi bagaimana memastikan brand activation sukses?"
Beberapa kali kami sudah melakukan dengan hasil minimal, atau ide nya kurang menarik.

Jelaslah activation bukan pekerjaan mudah. Kalau tidak, untuk apa menggunakan agencies / event organizers?
Mereka yang harus menemukan cara kreatif & interaktif dalam menyampaikan pesan brand.

Dan bagaimana memastikan hasil optimal? Atau mengukur apakah campaign kami efektif?
Di acara ini, kami akan memberikan ide menarik & insight untuk anda. 

Kami tidak hanya memberikan ikan, tetapi juga mengajarkan bagaimana memancing.
Sehingga ke depan anda dapat menggunakan framework kami untuk:

- Mendapatkan ide brand-activation menarik
- Merencanakan activation untuk hasil optimal
- Melakukan creative process & selection

Akanlah sangat memudahkan apabila kreativitas anda mengalir dengan berbagai ide menarik.
Seperti yang disebutkan Einstein: 'Creativity is intelligence having fun'

Aanda juga akan dapat network & belajar dari berbagai brands, agencies & organizers. 
Tawaran early bird IDR 120k hanya berlaku sampai Feb 20, sebelum menjadi IDR 150k, sampai bertemu!

Michael Arief Gunawan dari LiveLife, startup yang berpengalaman bekerjasama dengan +400 event creators & communities, dan membantu +3,000 event seperti: F&B, performances, exhibitions, screenings, competitions, exercises, talks, workshops & dan juga tours.

Silahkan hubungi kami juga via WhatsApp di +65 9685 1140 apabila ada pertanyan.


Is digital marketing enough to build personal relationship with your audience?
How many digital ads do you see & ignore every day?

When facing competition, it is crucial to stand out & convey your message well.  
Activation helps brand communication at a much more personal level.

When you really want to get to know someone better,
do you simply interact via social media or meet them personally?

 "Yeah, but how to ensure successful activation?"
"I had some activation with minimum result & not-so-good ideas."

Definitely activation is not something easy. Else why would brand engage agencies / event organizers?
They are the ones who come up with creative & interactive ways to deliver your message.

What about measuring optimum result or effectiveness of our campaign?
In this talk, we will make your 'creative light bulb' go off with lots of 'aha' moments, feeling excited to implement the lessons learnt.

We don't simply give you the fish, but more importantly, teach you how to fish.
That way, going forward you can simply apply our framework to:

- Find interesting brand-activation ideas
- Plan activation to ensure optimum result
- Learn the creative process & selection

Wouldn't it be nice if creativity flows through you easily with interesting ideas popping out, waiting to happen?
As Einstein once said: 'Creativity is intelligence having fun.'

Oh yah, you will get to network & learn from various brands, agencies and organizers. 
Enjoy our limited early bird offer IDR 120k until Feb 20, before it becomes IDR 150k, see you there!

Michael Arief Gunawan runs LiveLife, a startup which has collaborated with +400 event creators & communities, and helped +3,000 events to run successfully from F&B to performances, exhibitions, screenings, competitions, exercises, talks, workshops & even tours.

Feel free to WhatsApp us at +65 9685 1140 if you have any questions.


Event has ended.

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